Sunday, March 14, 2010


Settling down in this new town is taking longer than expected, but the excitement is still there and the ways of life in Australia still amazes me. I am liking it so far. Things here are so organized and there are rules and regulations for every little thing which a good amount of people follow - be it a little social etiquette or a government policy.

Today J hunted down a mallu store on the other side of town and we decided to have a drive down there and shop for some Kerala stuff ( 50 % of which are coconut related products :-P ). Anyway we finally reach there and the owner himself is at the cashiers and is a mallu himself ( no surprises there ). So we say hello.. and he shoots right away -

1. Are you on a PR ? ( whatever happened to “how are you doing” or “good after noon” )

2. Is your wife a nurse? (huh?? where did that come from ? )

I was all taken aback but J seemed pretty cool as she is already used to all these questions.. So I guess that’s the way mallus introduce each other.. So my introduction from now on is going to be “Hi I am so and so I don’t have a PR and my wife isn’t a nurse” :-P. Jokes apart – mallu store was a relief for us as we can now we can prepare mallu eshtyle food at home :)))))))))))).

Hopefully we find a place to move into by next week and settle in and still have some beans left in the bank :-P. Australia is an expensive place.

Got a pre paid Virgin Mobile connection and found the instructions pretty intimidating .. J So I thought I will share it on the blog.



The Ketchup Girl said...

hahahahahahaha! are u a PR is a question that should be tattooed across every aussie face. it gets irking sometimes. wait till u get your pr and the next question after that will be - so u applying for your citizenship? but Nurse?!!! unpardonable!!! that pre paid card- huh, wonder how they still call themselves virgin mobile ;D
enjoy least u don't have to bear the horrible winter there!

Discovering M said...

weather in Brisbane is very good.. yea 'virgin' mobile.. no idea why :-P also I wonder why all the Virgin Blue airplanes are red in color.. just a thought.

Nive' said...

yes ues.. Nurse?! unpardonable! :(

Anonymous said...

Hi There
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a loft I'min the process of buying.
Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the leadingplace to buy these? I live in LA and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:


[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
