Saturday, September 12, 2009

Green is the way forward !

So I bought a jute bag - mostly for carrying groceries back home. Going green is what it’s all about lately and this is my latest step at saving the world. I am not sure how much greener the world will be with me buying this jute bag. I have never been motivated with long term results – I like to see the change now. Very impatient I would say. But I guess there are certain things in the world that cannot be changed overnight and it’s always good to just do your part and not look for immediate results.

But anyway I feel good about the jute bag and thought of sharing this picture with everyone .


Rose said...

Good for you!

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

I loved the post, the way you started it and ended it. Good to hear about the jute bag. What's important is the thought that triggered it, the sheer conviction that propelled you to do your bit. Thats what makes you special.

I too never look for immediate results. I do my bit and it always come from my belief in God.

Discovering M said...

Rose - your turn ! go get one !

Swapna - thanks :)glad you liked my post. Yea I try to do my bit, only when I am in the mood though.. i am a bit on the spoilt side :P

Casuarina said...

I bet you felt good about yourself that night. I like the way your thought process runs. Sometimes I get so bugged at the way we all are ruining the environment that I want to do something drastic myself to change it all overnight. Of course that's rash and impractical. I'm glad you've made a practical, tangible difference in your own small but meaningful way. maybe we could all follow suit and soon we'd have triggered a full fledged campaign of our own ! :-)

Discovering M said...

yea yea ! and blog about it too.. "the green blog campaign" :)

The Ketchup Girl said...

oh i totally am with you on this, greenie. do you bit, atleast u are less guilty of screwing the earth.