I was flying back from Cairo yesterday and managed book a window seat on the flight! I love window seats :). So I board the flight, settle down and start browsing through the magazines that were offered, menus, wine list, what movies to watch etc… hoping that the person next to me will not be a hippo who will eat into half my airspace.. It happens to me often. And finally an overweight guy did show up and started to shove his baggage into the compartment overhead. I am thinking – Why ME? . He finally settles down in the aisle seat which is one seat away from me. Phew – that was close. I was so thankful.. and thinking what are the chances of another pot belly getting assigned next to me.. ? naaah !!
Enter a blonde – a total chic of a lady and settles down in the middle seat next to me. She smiles and I smile back. I am thinking ..damn I should have shaved, and put on that expensive perfume I had a bought last month, do I have bad breath ? etc etc.. the usual guys train of thoughts :-P
Hot Chic: *breaks the ice*Hi.. you live in Cairo?
Me: *Clears my voice – sits up straight* No. I live in Dubai – here on business. And you ?
Hot Chic: Oh I live in Dubai too – where abouts?
Me: Al-Barsha and you ?
Hot Chic: Emirates Hills.. May be we can share a cab from the airport ??
Me: *NICE – so far so good* Oh sure – nice quiet place really – I love that place.
Hot Chic: Yea I love it too. Hey that’s a cool tattoo you got... really good!
Me: *er ..okay this is moving on*. You think so? Thanks!
Hot Chic: Hey ..umm..you mind swapping seats? I had a long day and I could do with a bit more space.
Me: *didn’t see that one coming* Er.. Yea I mind swapping seats. I had a long day too and was hoping to catch a bit of sleep.
Fat Guy from across: *didn’t miss a beat* That was smooth… till he refused! Nice try.
We all laughed about it.. and I dozed off after a while.
Cairo after take off.
This might be the Red Sea - not sure though !
And no we didn’t share a cab.
mmmm that was real smooth, i should say...and the fact that u said no to the lady, made a helluva impresson :) Not all men could have done that:-). Good job there!
Ooooooh, thanks for the awesome snapshots !
And yes, I think your turning down her request was neat. I'm ashamed to say that I've often seen women try to sweetalk men into getting their way, which basically boils down to their taking unfair advantage of their sex. So much for feminism, equal rights and the rest of it.
KG and Casuarina,
Cant say I haven never fallen for feminine sweet talk :-P. Guess I have been around a while to better judge a smooth operator :-)
She was just a bit too smooth :P. I would have hated myself if I had swapped that day..
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