Friday, April 3, 2009


Most people I know who travel a lot buy something typical related to the country they visit for taking back home.. Like if you go to Darjeeling you end up buying a packet of Darjeeling Tea.. you got to Yemen and bring back a jambiya ( traditional arabic knife ) and if you go to Scotland you bring back a Scottish kilt or a miniature statue of William Wallace or even collect currencies or T shirts and what not.. but not me.. I bring back fridge magnets :-). That’s a habit I picked up ten year ago after my first overseas trip. And now my fridge has no more space left.. :-( So I am thinking of something else – may be hang up a notice board in my bedroom where I can pin on random thumbnail pictures etc that will remind me of the my stay in a hotel or some random people I meet or may be even the picture of a coffee shop I visit. Hmmm…


Casuarina said...

Hey, I love fridge magnets...but I'm v finicky tastewise, sovtill date I just have two at from Ocean City in South New Jersey and one from Mt Washington in New Hampshire...but hey, I mean to collect lots more...I love the fact that we can carry them back from the visited place without having to worry about the amount of space it's going to take up in our luggage !

Discovering M said...

just two .. naah - you gotta stop being picky about it :-)

Casuarina said...

I guess so ! :-)

The Ketchup Girl said...

ok, same pinch. I get one more thing- shot glasses with the citie's landmark on it...

Discovering M said...

betcha i got more :-P .. hmm.. dont have many shot glasses though.

little boxes said...

My fridge looks like that too...i could even mail you a pic if you want :P when my fridge got crammed with magnets,i got a coloured metal sheet hung from the wall in my room and that's where the magnets go now :)

little boxes said...

My fridge looks like that too...i could even mail you a pic if you want :P when my fridge got crammed with magnets,i got a coloured metal sheet hung from the wall in my room and that's where the magnets go now :)

Discovering M said...

sure mail me a pic, would love to see it :-)

metal sheet ? never thought of that - but already got a noticeboard up.